Events organized

Events organized by the Department since 2007.


In 2008, Faculty of Ayurveda and Medical Sciences and Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science organized 27th Annual Conference of Indian Council of Chemists. In this event, the Govt. funding agencies such UGC New Delhi, UCOST Dehradun and DST, New Delhi recommended for financial assistance under different heads. The event was graced by the presence of Dr. B. L. Joshi that time Governor of Uttarakhand Govt. The presence of more than 400 participants made the conference successful.


The department organized a two days national seminar on “Recent Advances in Biosciences & Drug Discovery (RABDD-2014)” during March 3-4, 2014. In the event, more than 300 participants and delegates from all over India visited the department and imposed a remarkable feedback of the conference and the department.

Workshop/Training Programme

  • The department also organized a workshop on “Training Programme on Advanced Experimentations (TPAE-2014)” from 20-30 June 2014. In this event the research scholars and master’s students of different science courses participated actively. During this event, different practical modules were designed by the expertise faculty members of this department and from other departments of the University for making familiar to the participants with latest technologies. Not only academic personnel but also the experts from the industries were also invited for boosting the technical upgrading of the participants.
  • CEP

World Pharmacist Day

The department is also actively engaged in enhancing the familiarity of pharmacy profession in the society. In this tract, the department has organized ‘World Pharmacist Day’ in 2014 and 2015 on 25 September. In this one-day event, the students of pharmacy, management, engineering, microbiology, environmental science, chemistry etc participated enthusiastically. The theme of International Pharmaceutical Federation was adopted in each event. The debate and quiz competition were organized in these events. The certificates with mementos were presented to the winners of these competitions.